How Do You Feel About Palm Reading

Palm Reading Is Real?

How your hands really predict your futurity

Jeong Suh / Bryan Christie Design

For thousands of years, palm readers accept examined hands in society to predict the future. As it turns out, they may not have been entirely off base: the human hand contains a wealth of information. Because a baby's easily form early in gestation, researchers like to say that they amount to a "fossilized record" of early evolution, one that may provide insight into future well-being.

For example, hundreds of studies have shown that the ratio of index-finger to ring-finger length correlates with many traits. Nigh researchers believe that this is because the ring finger's length indicates prenatal testosterone exposure, which is known to have a lasting influence. Compared with a man who has a shorter band finger, a human being whose ring finger is longer than his index finger is likely to have a more attractive face [1], greater athletic talent [2], a longer penis [three], and—perhaps not coincidentally—more children [4]. A male whose index fingers are longer, meanwhile, is more prone to schizophrenia [v] and early eye disease [half-dozen]. Then once more, he is less likely to be autistic [7] or to have ADHD [8]. Digit ratio may even reveal something about a person's propensity for self-control: research inspired by the famous "marshmallow written report"—which measured preschoolers' ability to delay gratification—constitute that kids with longer index than ring fingers were more than likely to resist temptation [nine].

You may have heard that the more symmetrical a person's confront and body are, the more than attractive he is considered to be, perchance because symmetry suggests good genes. And indeed, matching hands bode well: A man whose left and right fingers match up is apt to have faster and more plentiful sperm than one whose fingers don't match [ten]. Some other study institute that men with mismatched hands reported being depressed more frequently [11].

The lines on hands may also provide clues about early development. It's well known that people with Down's syndrome and people with fetal booze syndrome, besides as children of women who had measles while pregnant, are more than probable than other people to have a "simian crease," a horizontal line stretching from one border of the palm to the other. In addition, although the overall inquiry is not conclusive, some studies advise that abnormal fingerprint patterns, such as those with a higher-than-boilerplate number of sure whorls, arches, or ridges, announced disproportionately among people with schizophrenia [12] and people who develop diabetes in heart historic period [13], possibly signaling a gestational disruption such as maternal illness. And males are more probable to have abnormal fingerprint patterns than females are—perhaps, researchers take suggested, because male person embryos are more than vulnerable to environmental influences [14].

Speaking of fingerprints, one study institute that people who consume large amounts of salt and preservatives leave sweatier, saltier prints that are more likely to corrode certain metals, and thus are easier for detectives to choice upwards off, say, a bullet [15]. For lawbreakers who honey junk food, this finding may be the most predictive of all—at to the lowest degree when information technology comes to where they will be living for the next 5 to ten years.

The Studies:

[1] Ferdenzi et al., "Digit Ratio (2d:4D) Predicts Facial, but Not Voice or Body Smell, Attractiveness in Men" (Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Apr 2011)

[two] Giffin et al., "Varsity Athletes Accept Lower second:4D Ratios Than Other University Students" (Journal of Sports Sciences, Dec. 2011)

[three] Choi et al., "2nd to Fourth Digit Ratio" (Asian Journal of Andrology, July 2011)

[4] Klimek et al., "Digit Ratio (2nd:4D) as an Indicator of Body Size, Testosterone Concentration and Number of Children in Human Males" (Annals of Human Biology, April 2014)

[5] Collinson et al., "Increased Ratio of second to 4th Digit (second:4D) in Schizophrenia" (Psychiatry Research, Aug. 2009)

[6] Wu et al., "The Ratio of Second to Fourth Digit Length (second:4D) and Coronary Avenue Disease in a Han Chinese Population" (International Journal of Medical Sciences, Sept. 2013)

[vii] Manning et al., "The 2nd to 4th Digit Ratio and Autism" (Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, March 2001)

[8] Martel et al., "Masculinized Finger-Length Ratios of Boys, but Not Girls, Are Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" (Behavioral Neuroscience, Apr 2008)

[9] Da Silva et al., "2D:4D Digit Ratio Predicts Delay of Gratification in Preschoolers" ( plos 1, Dec. 2014)

[ten] Manning et al., "Developmental Stability, Ejaculate Size, and Sperm Quality in Men" (Evolution & Human being Behavior, May 1998)

[11] Martin et al., "Fluctuating Asymmetry, Relative Digit Length, and Depression in Men" (EHB, March 1999)

[12] Sivkov et al., "Dermatoglyphics in Schizophrenia" (Folia Medica, February. 1998)

[thirteen] Kahn et al., "A Fingerprint Mark From Early Gestation Associated With Diabetes in Middle Historic period" (International Periodical of Epidemiology, Aug. 2008)

[14] Ahmed-Popova et al., "Dermatoglyphics—A Possible Biomarker in the Neurodevelopmental Model for the Origin of Mental Disorders" (Folia Medica, April 2014)

[15] Meekins et al., "Result of Chloride Ion Concentration on the Galvanic Corrosion of Phase Contumely by Eccrine Sweat" (Forensic Sciences, July 2012)


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