How to Set .config File to Read Only

Most interesting programs need some kind of configuration:

  • Content Management Systems like WordPress blogs, WikiMedia and Joomla need to store the information where the database server is (the hostname) and how to login (username and countersign)
  • Proprietary software might need to store if the software was registered already (the serial key)
  • Scientific software could store the path to BLAS libraries

For very simple tasks you might choose to write these configuration variables directly into the source code. But this is a bad idea when you upload the code to GitHub.

I will explain some alternatives I got to know for Python.

I've created a module for configuration handling: cfg_load

Python Configuration File

The simplest way to write configuration files is to simply write a separate file that contains Python code. You might want to call information technology something like So y'all could add the line * to your .gitignore file to avert uploading it accidentally.

A configuration file could wait similar this:

                                      #!/usr/bin/env python              import              preprocessing              mysql              =              {              "host"              :              "localhost"              ,              "user"              :              "root"              ,              "passwd"              :              "my clandestine countersign"              ,              "db"              :              "write-math"              ,              }              preprocessing_queue              =              [              preprocessing              .              scale_and_center              ,              preprocessing              .              dot_reduction              ,              preprocessing              .              connect_lines              ,              ]              use_anonymous              =              True                      

Within the actual code, you lot can utilise it like this:

                                      #!/usr/bin/env python              import              databaseconfig              every bit              cfg              connect              (              cfg              .              mysql              [              "host"              ],              cfg              .              mysql              [              "user"              ],              cfg              .              mysql              [              "password"              ])                      

The way you include the configuration might feel very convenient at a kickoff glance, simply imagine what happens when you go more than configuration variables. You lot definitely need to provide an example configuration file. And it is difficult to resist the temptation to include code within the configuration file.


JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation. It is widespread and thus has skilful support for many programming languages.

The configuration might look like this:

                                      {              "mysql"              :{              "host"              :              "localhost"              ,              "user"              :              "root"              ,              "passwd"              :              "my surreptitious password"              ,              "db"              :              "write-math"              },              "other"              :{              "preprocessing_queue"              :[              "preprocessing.scale_and_center"              ,              "preprocessing.dot_reduction"              ,              "preprocessing.connect_lines"              ],              "use_anonymous"              :              truthful              }              }                      

You can read it like this:

                                      import              json              with              open              (              "config.json"              )              as              json_data_file              :              data              =              json              .              load              (              json_data_file              )              impress              (              information              )                      

which outputs

                                      {              "mysql"              :              {              "db"              :              "write-math"              ,              "host"              :              "localhost"              ,              "passwd"              :              "my secret countersign"              ,              "user"              :              "root"              ,              },              "other"              :              {              "preprocessing_queue"              :              [              "preprocessing.scale_and_center"              ,              "preprocessing.dot_reduction"              ,              "preprocessing.connect_lines"              ,              ],              "use_anonymous"              :              True              ,              },              }                      

Writing JSON files is too easy. Just build up the dictionary and employ

                                      import              json              with              open              (              "config.json"              ,              "w"              )              as              outfile              :              json              .              dump              (              data              ,              outfile              )                      


YAML is a configuration file format. Wikipedia says:

YAML (rhymes with camel) is a human-readable data serialization format that takes concepts from programming languages such as C, Perl, and Python, and ideas from XML and the information format of electronic mail (RFC 2822). YAML was start proposed by Clark Evans in 2001, who designed it together with Ingy döt Net and Oren Ben-Kiki. It is bachelor for several programming languages.

The file itself might expect like this:

                                      mysql              :              host              :              localhost              user              :              root              passwd              :              my surreptitious password              db              :              write-math              other              :              preprocessing_queue              :              -              preprocessing.scale_and_center              -              preprocessing.dot_reduction              -              preprocessing.connect_lines              use_anonymous              :              yes                      

You can read information technology like this:

                                      import              yaml              with              open up              (              "config.yml"              ,              "r"              )              equally              ymlfile              :              cfg              =              yaml              .              load              (              ymlfile              )              for              section              in              cfg              :              impress              (              department              )              print              (              cfg              [              "mysql"              ])              print              (              cfg              [              "other"              ])                      

It outputs:

                                      other              mysql              {              "passwd"              :              "my undercover password"              ,              "host"              :              "localhost"              ,              "db"              :              "write-math"              ,              "user"              :              "root"              ,              }              {              "preprocessing_queue"              :              [              "preprocessing.scale_and_center"              ,              "preprocessing.dot_reduction"              ,              "preprocessing.connect_lines"              ,              ],              "use_anonymous"              :              True              ,              }                      

At that place is a yaml.dump method, and then you tin write the configuration the same way. But build up a dictionary.

YAML is used past the Blender project.


  • Documentation


INI files wait similar this:

                                      [mysql]              host              =              localhost              user              =              root              passwd              =              my secret countersign              db              =              write-math              [other]              preprocessing_queue              =              ["preprocessing.scale_and_center",              "preprocessing.dot_reduction",              "preprocessing.connect_lines"]              use_anonymous              =              yes                      


Basic case

The file can be loaded and used similar this:

                                      #!/usr/bin/env python              import              ConfigParser              import              io              # Load the configuration file              with              open              (              "config.ini"              )              as              f              :              sample_config              =              f              .              read              ()              config              =              ConfigParser              .              RawConfigParser              (              allow_no_value              =              Truthful              )              config              .              readfp              (              io              .              BytesIO              (              sample_config              ))              # List all contents              impress              (              "List all contents"              )              for              section              in              config              .              sections              ():              print              (              "Section:                            %s              "              %              department              )              for              options              in              config              .              options              (              section              ):              print              (              "x                            %s              :::              %south              :::              %s              "              %              (              options              ,              config              .              get              (              section              ,              options              ),              str              (              type              (              options              )))              )              # Print some contents              print              (              "              \n              Impress some contents"              )              print              (              config              .              get              (              "other"              ,              "use_anonymous"              ))              # Just get the value              print              (              config              .              getboolean              (              "other"              ,              "use_anonymous"              ))              # You know the datatype?                      

which outputs

                        List all contents Section: mysql ten host:::localhost:::<type 'str'> x user:::root:::<type 'str'> ten passwd:::my underground password:::<type 'str'> x db:::write-math:::<type 'str'> Department: other x preprocessing_queue:::["preprocessing.scale_and_center", "preprocessing.dot_reduction", "preprocessing.connect_lines"]:::<type 'str'> 10 use_anonymous:::yes:::<type 'str'>  Print some contents aye True                      

As you lot can come across, you can apply a standard data format that is easy to read and write. Methods similar getboolean and getint allow you to become the datatype instead of a unproblematic cord.

Writing configuration

                                      import              os              configfile_name              =              "config.ini"              # Check if there is already a configurtion file              if              not              os              .              path              .              isfile              (              configfile_name              ):              # Create the configuration file as it doesn't exist all the same              cfgfile              =              open              (              configfile_name              ,              "due west"              )              # Add content to the file              Config              =              ConfigParser              .              ConfigParser              ()              Config              .              add_section              (              "mysql"              )              Config              .              set              (              "mysql"              ,              "host"              ,              "localhost"              )              Config              .              fix              (              "mysql"              ,              "user"              ,              "root"              )              Config              .              ready              (              "mysql"              ,              "passwd"              ,              "my secret countersign"              )              Config              .              set              (              "mysql"              ,              "db"              ,              "write-math"              )              Config              .              add_section              (              "other"              )              Config              .              set              (              "other"              ,              "preprocessing_queue"              ,              [              "preprocessing.scale_and_center"              ,              "preprocessing.dot_reduction"              ,              "preprocessing.connect_lines"              ,              ],              )              Config              .              set              (              "other"              ,              "use_anonymous"              ,              Truthful              )              Config              .              write              (              cfgfile              )              cfgfile              .              close              ()                      

results in

                                      [mysql]              host              =              localhost              user              =              root              passwd              =              my secret password              db              =              write-math              [other]              preprocessing_queue              =              ['preprocessing.scale_and_center', 'preprocessing.dot_reduction', 'preprocessing.connect_lines']              use_anonymous              =              Truthful                      


Seems not to be used at all for configuration files by the Python customs. However, parsing / writing XML is piece of cake and in that location are plenty of possibilities to do so with Python. One is BeautifulSoup:

                                      from              BeautifulSoup              import              BeautifulSoup              with              open up              (              "config.xml"              )              as              f              :              content              =              f              .              read              ()              y              =              BeautifulSoup              (              content              )              print              (              y              .              mysql              .              host              .              contents              [              0              ])              for              tag              in              y              .              other              .              preprocessing_queue              :              print              (              tag              )                      

where the config.xml might look like this:

                                      <config>              <mysql>              <host>localhost</host>              <user>root</user>              <passwd>my secret password</passwd>              <db>write-math</db>              </mysql>              <other>              <preprocessing_queue>              <li>preprocessing.scale_and_center</li>              <li>preprocessing.dot_reduction</li>              <li>preprocessing.connect_lines</li>              </preprocessing_queue>              <use_anonymous              value=              "true"              />              </other>              </config>                      

File Endings

File Endings give the user and the system an indicator about the content of a file. Reasonable file endings for configuration files are

  • * for Python files
  • *.yaml or *.yml if the configuration is done in YAML format
  • *.json for configuration files written in JSON format
  • *.cfg or *.conf to bespeak that it is a configuration file
  • *.ini for "initialization" are quite widespread (see Wiki)
  • ~/.[my_app_name]rc is a VERY common naming scheme for configuration files on Linux systems. RC is a reference to an former figurer arrangement and means "run common".

That said, I think I prefer *.conf. I think it is a choice that users understand.

But yous might also consider that *.ini might get opened by standard in a text editor. For the other options, users might go asked which program they desire to employ.


  • JSON Online Parser
  • What is the divergence between YAML and JSON? When to adopt i over the other?
  • Why practice and then many projects use XML for configuration files?
  • YAML Lint
  • TOML: Very similar to INI files.


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